Durian Myths Debunked: Top 5 Myths - Top Fruits

Durian Myths Debunked: Top 5 Myths

Durian Myths Debunked: Top 5 Myths

By Top Fruits Team | Jan 30, 2024

From its notorious smell to its purported health benefits, there are numerous misconceptions and myths about this spiky Southeast Asian delicacy.

Unravelling these myths is crucial in understanding and appreciating the true nature of durian.

Let’s debunk the myths surrounding the infamous “king of fruits” – durian.

Myth 1: You can eat durian and drink beer at the same time

There is no scientific evidence that proves consuming durian and beer together can be fatal. However, cases of individuals dying shortly after ingesting this combination have been reported.

When consumed simultaneously, the liver has to work harder to process the sugars and fats from both the fruit and beverage.

“When you consume too much durian alongside alcohol, your liver faces challenges in breaking down these substances effectively. “ says Assoc Prof Kunchit Judprasong from Mahidol University’s Institute of Nutrition.

This emphasizes the importance of being mindful of how much one consumes when enjoying these items together.

Although there is no direct scientific proof linking the simultaneous consumption of durian and beer to death, it’s important to note that this unwise mix may highlight symptoms of intoxication due to a high sulphur-based compound found in durians.

This compound could lead to abnormalities in the respiratory system when combined with alcohol.

Besides, excessive consumption of either or both substances can also lead to heartburn and bloating for some individuals due to their high fibre and carbohydrate content.

Therefore, regardless of whether they are consumed together or separately, individuals must practice moderation as an aggressive increase in body temperature caused by these substances can have harmful effects on the body’s systems.

Myth 2: Diabetics can eat durians without much worry

Individuals with diabetes should limit their consumption of durians due to the fruit’s high sugar content.

Three seeds of durians can contain between 20 and 30 grams of carbohydrates, equivalent to half a can of regular Coke or one bowl of white rice.

Durian’s high carbohydrate content means that people with diabetes must be mindful when consuming it. They should only eat durians in moderation and keep track of the approximate amount of carbohydrates consumed each time.

Moderation is Key

People with diabetes need to watch how much carbs (e.g., sugar) they consume and when.

Although individuals with diabetes can eat durian, they should adhere to the recommended two servings of fruit per day — two durian seeds equal one serving.

Diabetics need to understand that while they may enjoy this exotic fruit, overindulgence could lead to an increase in blood sugar levels more than other fruits like bananas or mangos. Therefore, moderation remains crucial for individuals managing their blood sugar levels.

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Myth 3: Durian is loaded with cholesterol

Contrary to popular belief, durians are actually cholesterol-free fruits.

The fat content in durians primarily consists of healthy monounsaturated fats, which can have a positive impact on cholesterol levels and moderate blood pressure. This means that consuming durian in moderation is unlikely to significantly affect cholesterol levels.

In fact, when looking to reduce cholesterol levels, it’s important to assess other parts of our diet that contribute more fat, cholesterol, and calories before attributing them solely to durians.

It’s essential to understand that cholesterol is only found in animal products, and plant foods like fruits (including durians), vegetables, and grains do not contain any cholesterol at all.

It’s evident from these facts that the myth surrounding high cholesterol content in durians is unfounded.

With their beneficial nutritional composition rich in healthy fats rather than bad ones like saturated or trans fats typically associated with raising bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglyceride levels, it becomes clear why consumption of this delectable fruit should be seen as part of a balanced diet plan.

Myth 4: Eating durian can boost your libido

Some cultures believe that durian can enhance sex drive, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

While the fruit contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is converted to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that induces feelings of happiness and relaxation, it does not significantly improve libido.

Dt Harita Adhvaryu Sr., Clinical Dietitian at Ezcure Diabetes Care in Ahmedabad Gujarat, acknowledges that durian may help lift your mood due to its happy chemicals but clarifies that it doesn’t have a substantial effect on libido.

High Vitamin and Mineral Content

The fruit’s nutritional profile includes essential nutrients like vitamin C, potassium, and copper which play vital roles in maintaining bodily functions.

Although these high vitamin and mineral content in durian may contribute to overall sexual health and well-being, they do not directly impact sex drive or libido.

Body Temperature Effects

Consuming durian may indeed cause your body temperature to rise due to its unique properties. However, this increase in body temperature does not translate into an aphrodisiac effect.

While some people might feel more energetic after eating durian due to the rise in body temperature or other factors such as improved mood from serotonin production, these effects do not equate to boosting one’s libido.

Myth 5: Mangosteen must be eaten with durian to reduce heat

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that consuming mangosteen alongside durian can counteract the “heatiness” associated with the latter.

This practice has been passed down through generations, but there’s no scientific evidence supporting this claim.

The belief likely originated from the fact that both fruits are in season simultaneously, leading to their consumption together.

Scientific Perspective

Research conducted at Mahidol University revealed interesting insights into the combination of these two fruits.

“We wanted to challenge the traditional belief that had never been scientifically examined, so we conducted a study to demonstrate the advantages of combining these elements,” says Assoc Prof Kunchit Judprasong.

Despite being high in sugar and carbohydrates, their glycemic response index (GRI) was found to be “low” among healthy individuals. Foods with low GI values are known for stabilizing blood sugar levels as they are broken down slowly.

Although the findings don’t show the correlation of mangosteens with reducing heat, it’s important to note that taking both fruits together can cause high blood sugar levels, which leads to weight gain, poor metabolic health and an increased risk of heart disease.

Closing Thoughts

So, there you have it – the truth behind some common durian myths.

Next time you’re about to pair durian with beer or worry about its cholesterol content, think again. Remember, not everything you hear about durians is necessarily true.

It’s always best to separate fact from fiction before making any assumptions.

Before you indulge in the “king of fruits,” take a moment to debunk these myths and make informed decisions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I eat durian and drink beer at the same time?

No, it’s not a good idea to eat durian and drink beer at the same time. Even though there’s no proof it can cause fatality, there have been cases of people dying after having both. Plus, it can make you feel uncomfortable, bloated, and have trouble digesting because of conflicting enzymes for some people.

Is it safe for diabetics to eat durians?

People with diabetes should be cautious when consuming durians because they contain a lot of sugar. While diabetics can eat durians, they should stick to the recommended two servings of fruit per day. Keep in mind that two durian seeds equal one serving. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before adding durians to your diet.

Does durian contain a lot of cholesterol?

Contrary to popular belief, durians are cholesterol-free. They are rich in healthy fats that can benefit heart health when consumed in moderation.

Can eating durian enhance libido?

There is no scientific evidence supporting the claim that consuming durian can boost libido. Libido is influenced by various factors beyond just food consumption.

Should I eat mangosteen with durian for reduced heatiness?

While some believe that consuming mangosteen alongside durian reduces its “heatiness,” there isn’t substantial scientific evidence backing this claim. It’s more of a traditional belief than a proven fact.

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